In a world where every child is unique Fiona stands different with her remarkable and promising talents.
Being an autistic child she has been a complaint child and a regular student at Hope for Life foundation. Let’s see as we celebrate her achievements and provide you a deep insight into her remarkable progress with therapies and academic training.

Being on pre writing skills but with good functional grip for pencil holding she can draw dot-to-dot vertical and horizontal lines which are the early indicators of fine motor skills.
Although she doesn’t possess good sitting tolerance also needs verbal cues to perform many functional tasks Fiona has a good understanding of basic concepts such as opposites (open/close, up/down, right/left) and essential life skills like brushing her teeth, sitting on a chair, and going up stairs. These foundational skills are crucial for her overall development.
Although she faces considerable difficulty in focus, concentration, she’s making great progress when it comes to communication
Whether it’s using the toilet or indicating hunger she can express her basic needs clearly.
It’s always necessary to acknowledge that every child faces some challenges during their learning and development process and in case of her she lacks social interaction and social communication skills for which she is gradually being taken into a group of 2,3 4 and more so that slowly gets used to the concept of social interaction and play and can actively engage with her class mates and other friends.
We’re excited how well Fiona has progressed and strive to continue to work on her so that she can and will reach her fullest potential.

HLF is doing very admirable and remarkable work in changing / improving life of these special children. Their team of dedicated teachers and therapist doctors under the supervision very talented Principal and very humble Chairman are doing very best which definitely will make positive contribution in the lives of these children. Allah Ta’ala bless them with lots of Barkat in their tireless efforts.
We really appreciate for your kind affard and support in Fiona case.
Now she speak more word. Follow the instructions. Express her need.
Like she say alfabet A to U. 1 to 5 and direct come to 10. Thank you. Shahbash. Love you papa. Ya Ali Madad, baby Marta. Bs bs etc.
Day by day we seem more improvement in her. Specially her behavior also.
Even she using rest room herself even trying to wash her self.
We really thanks full to Hope for life principal, their teachers, doctors, co-staff & those members who supporting involve direct or in directly.
Moulah app tamam khidmaat Apne huzoor qabal kare. Aameen.
Thanks & regards